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Ep. 387: Gabriel Weinberg Interview with Michael Covel on Trend Following Radio

Gabriel Weinberg
Gabriel Weinberg

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My guest today is Gabriel Weinberg, the CEO and Founder of DuckDuckGo, a search engine. What sets DuckDuckGo apart from other search engines is the privacy that it guarantees its users. DuckDuckGo promises to never track a user’s clicks, or use previous searchers to aid current results. Since creating it 11 years ago, his engine has reached 30 million searches a day in 2018, up 50% from a year before, and is poised to grow even faster since Google added DuckDuckGo as a default search-engine option in its latest Chrome browser in more than 60 markets in March 2019.

The topic is startup entrepreneur.

In this episode of Trend Following Radio we discuss:

  • Reaching your goal, then setting another
  • Resilience: vital to the entrepreneur
  • Committing to your idea
  • Psychology: the main barrier to success
  • Understanding that it’s okay to fail
  • Enjoy the challenge – or go do something else

“And so if you think of your initial product as a leaky bucket – you know, you pour in customers at the top and customers leak out of the bucket because your product’s not good yet…You need a steady stream of cold customers with fresh eyes to tell you where those leaks are, and if you don’t have that when you launch you’re still gonna have leaks more of the time than not.” – Gabriel Weinberg

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“Why Greece’s Lenders Need to Suffer”

A recent interchange with [prominent trader appearing on my podcast]:

Name: Read: “Why Greece’s Lenders Need to Suffer”

Covel: Great ending paragraph:

“There is an unsentimental logic to markets. If you make a bad investment, you are supposed to pay the full price — because if you don’t pay the full price, you will keep making bad investments. The only way to get the bond market back to its historic role is to make bondholders feel real fear that they might lose money if they make bad decisions. We need the market to reward bets that are economically wise, instead of those that are politically savvy.”

Wonder if we ever get there….

Name: We will get back there because our government will run out of money like the Greeks’ government. Ours will be painful too.

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Ep. 342: Victor Ricciardi Interview with Michael Covel on Trend Following Radio

Victor Ricciardi
Victor Ricciardi

My guest today is Victor Ricciardi, an Assistant Professor of Financial Management at Goucher College. Professor Ricciardi is a leading expert on the academic literature and emerging research issues in behavioral finance. He is the editor of several eJournals distributed by the Social Science Research Network (SSRN). Ricciardi is also the co-editor of the book Investor Behavior: The Psychology of Financial Planning and Investing.

The topic is behavioral finance.

In this episode of Trend Following Radio we discuss:

  • Risk perception vs. risk tolerance
  • The affect and the anchoring heuristic
  • Behavioral finance vs. behavioral economics
  • Looking at behavioral finance in the context of specific strategies
  • Behavioral economics in the context of asset bubbles and the popping of asset bubbles
  • Why economic growth does not increase happiness; mindfulness as an assist in the notion of good decision-making; the notion of animal spirits
  • Behavioral school vs. the classical school in academia

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Ep. 339: Tim Price Interview with Michael Covel on Trend Following Radio

Tim Price
Tim Price

My guest today is Tim Price, the London-based Director of Investment at PFP Wealth Management. Price has over 20 years of experience in both private client and institutional investment management.

The topic is his blog The Price of Everything.

In this episode of Trend Following Radio we discuss:

  • Why the fundamentals are so ‘shocking’
  • FDR and the Great Depression
  • Why government taking its hands out of the equation can be the solution in a recession or depression
  • Why savers suffer in silence
  • The three scenarios that occur when you accept that much debt simply cannot be paid back (growth, default, or inflation)
  • The standoff between Germany and Greece, and how the average German might feel today about common currency
  • The lack of outrage of zero interest rate policy

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Spyros Makridakis Interview Followup

A followup from a recent conversation with Spyros Makridakis:

Dear Mike,

It was nice to talk to you this morning. As I promised I am attaching the following three papers:

  • Medicine. This is an extract from an article I am writing about Forecasting and Uncertainty. It is amazing that the forecasting record of medicine is so dismal as it involves our lives and health.
  • Positive Illusions. This is a recent paper that will be published in a book of readings.
  • Why Forecasts Fail. A paper published in the Sloan Management Review that explains why forecasts fail and how I got involved in this line of research.

I am also attaching the cover copy of the book by Ablin (the guy who discovered the PSA test for prostate cancer) and his view about the validity of the test he discovered.

Let me know if I can be of any additional help and please send me the link of your podcast once it is ready.

Spyros Makridakis


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Trend Following is for beginners, students and pros in all countries. This is not day trading 5-minute bars, prediction or analyzing fundamentals–it’s Trend Following.

Ep. 336: Colin Camerer Interview with Michael Covel on Trend Following Radio

Colin Camerer
Colin Camerer

My guest today is Colin Camerer, an American behavioral economist and a Robert Kirby Professor of Behavioral Finance and Economics at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech). Camerer’s research is on the interface between cognitive psychology and economics. This work seeks a better understanding of the psychological and neurobiological basis of decision-making in order to determine the validity of models of human economic behavior. His research uses mostly economics experiments—and occasionally field studies—to understand how people behave when making decisions (e.g., risky gambles for money), in games, and in markets (e.g., speculative price bubbles).

The topics are cognitive psychology and economics.

In this episode of Trend Following Radio we discuss:

  • Why Camerer was called a child prodigy, and how he looks at that term in the context of nurture vs. nature
  • Synthesizing behavioral economics and neuroscience; understanding Camerer’s studies when traders aren’t looking at the market on a day-to-day basis; how we can stimulate the brain to create a bubble
  • The ethical issues surrounding Camerer’s work
  • Machine learning and data mining
  • Neuroscience and game theory
  • Comparing humans and chimps in the study of neuroscience
  • How trust correlates with economic growth
  • How emotion functions in the modern world

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Ep. 326: Kabir Sehgal Interview with Michael Covel on Trend Following Radio

Kabir Sehgal
Kabir Sehgal

My guest today is Kabir Sehgal, a New York Times bestselling author and Grammy Award-winning producer. He is currently a vice president at JPMorgan Chase. Sehgal’s new book, Coined: The Rich Life of Money and How Its History Has Shaped Us, caught Covel’s eye. This is a subject layered in complexity and depth. Just about everything that goes on in our lives is decided by money and Sehgal digs into its story on a micro level.

The topic is his book Coined: The Rich Life of Money and How Its History Has Shaped Us.

In this episode of Trend Following Radio we discuss:

  • Sehgal’s history
  • Sehgal’s experience winning a Grammy for production and the idea of “no boxes”
  • Why Sehgal sees his life like a jazz composition
  • Defining money as a symbol of value
  • The neurological effects and artistic aspects of money
  • The currency of the natural world
  • Whether Sehgal sees “money as the root of all evil”
  • The idea of charity
  • The politics of money
  • The internationalization of currency
  • Hyperinflation
  • Gold, and Sehgal’s experience going to the basement of the New York Fed
  • Digital money and bitcoin

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