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A recent interchange:

[Name]: Hello, how are you? I have a question about investing in trend following strategies. I am saving up a bit of money every week but have no interest in trading for myself. Are there any managers or funds that I can put some money with with that follow trend following strategies?

Covel: No short answer, but I hope you have read at least two of my trend following books before hitting me with trend following questions.

[Name]: I [have] read three.

Covel: I try to keep all free trend following consulting and education to my books, podcast, free website [blog]. [On the other hand my more personal consulting and] training [is here]. I generally steer clear of offering trend following insights outside of those options. Have found that is best for my time and fair [to] everyone.

[Name]: Sure. I appreciate your quick answer to my question.

How can you move forward immediately to Trend Following profits? My books and my Flagship Course and Systems are trusted options by clients in 70+ countries.

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Trend Following is for beginners, students and pros in all countries. This is not day trading 5-minute bars, prediction or analyzing fundamentals–it’s Trend Following.

Not My Trend Following Role

Feedback in:

Hi, my name is [name] I have just discovered your books on trend following and I am a trend follower myself. I am currently trying to look for registered investment advisers who use your trend following approach and I was wondering if you had any names of people. It seems like the ones that you have in your books are people who invest more in commodities and futures. I am looking for someone who is more into equities, bonds, that sort of thing. If you could give me a call back I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.

No leads. Not my role. Bottom line, trend following is a strategy. In that strategic spectrum there are traders employing trend following across stocks, futures, commodities, etc.

How can you move forward immediately to Trend Following profits? My books and my Flagship Course and Systems are trusted options by clients in 70+ countries.

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Trend Following is for beginners, students and pros in all countries. This is not day trading 5-minute bars, prediction or analyzing fundamentals–it’s Trend Following.