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Tim Paradis AP Business Writer Has Less Than No Clue

Tim Paradis, apparently an AP business writer, penned this ditty this morning:

Investors’ rising fears about consumer spending are turning stocks into a risky investment again. Stocks plunged and Treasury prices soared Monday as investors around the world feared that consumers are too anxious to lift the economy into recovery.

More from Paradis:

The mixed economic readings of the past several months aren’t surprising. A turnaround produces mixed messages because not all parts of the economy recover at the same speed and some indicators start to show life before others. Analysts say investors who had expected the economy would rocket higher got ahead of themselves by sending stocks up so quickly. Many economists have predicted a gradual recovery in the economy, in part because unemployment rates could remain high.

How does Paradis draw all of these so nicely wrapped up conclusions? His background gives tremendous insight into his keen economic and trading insight. Rhetorically, I ask Paradis:

1. Who are these investors? Long only Dow investors?
2. Is 1.73% down (drop at time of me reading his article) a “plunge”? And for those who are short isn’t that a good thing?

I could go on. Perhaps others have observations about Paradis’s observations?