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“But when I sit down to build a model I get paralysis by analysis…”

Feedback in:

Hey Michael,

I am a 25-year-old university student. I was put on to your books / podcasts by someone who spoke on your podcast several years ago. I subscribe to the trend following ideology and employ it in my everyday life. However, in translating that into trading I can recognize and understand the systems successful managers are employing but when I sit down to build a model I get paralysis by analysis. I want to approach the person who initially helped me but my bias is that because I bring so little to the table it’s not worth their time. I understand that that the level of uncertainty I have means I have a lot of work to do, but I want to capitalize on the unique advantage I have. So #1, am I just being a pussy? Then, as someone who is looking for a mentorship what would be an effective selling point that would make a manager interested, or do I just need to do more research and develop something?

Thanks for your time and for the insight,
Mitch G

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