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A Reader Suggests that Ed Seykota’s Govopoly is a Must Read at this Time

Feedback in:


Per your email this week on feedback…

I think you’re doing a great job, but there is one request that I have. Given the importance of this election season I would love for you to spend more time discussing the “system” and why it is so important to not bury our heads in the sand. I’m a Libertarian, but will be voting for Trump as a matter of principal to do my part to stop Clinton from controlling our government. Someone like her, who has lined her pockets with the perks of the system, will do nothing but exacerbate the problems Ed Seykota highlights in his “Govopoly” book. Due to your large audience it would be doing our society a service by highlighting how important the stakes are in this election. Even if you do not want to explicitly endorse Trump, I think it would be wonderful for Ed to come on and give us his opinion on the 2016 election if he is willing and able.

Best wishes,

Govopoly Book Cover

Thanks for the note. Strange days indeed…

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