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Ep. 607: Robert Carver Interview with Michael Covel on Trend Following Radio

Robert Carver
Robert Carver


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My guest today is Robert Carver. He got his start in finance working at trend following firm AHL in 2001 during his final year of college. He was introduced to quantitative trading while at AHL and for the first time began thinking of finance in a systematic way. He later went back to AHL, working there from 2006-2013. It took a lot of research and digging for Robert to decipher which financial tools available to traders were appropriate for him. He knew he was not the only trader with this problem so he decided to write a book laying out what he had found through his research. Robert gives actionable tips and guidelines for others who may need help finding what trading instruments are right for them. Robert also wanted “Smart Portfolios” to be a book for the average investor. He wrote it in a way that is not over complicated. Any trader, new or professional, can pick it up and find it useful.

The topics are his books Systematic Trading: A unique new method for designing trading and investing systems and Smart Portfolios: A Practical Guide to Building and Maintaining Intelligent Investment Portfolios.

In this episode of Trend Following Radio we discuss:

  • Portfolio selection
  • Benchmarks
  • International investing
  • Fundamental trading
  • Warren Buffett trading
  • Expected average performance
  • Leveraging a portfolio
  • Luck vs. Skill
  • Venture capitalism

“Most people probably spend much less time thinking about their portfolio’s than they do thinking about getting their car fixed.” – Robert Carver

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Ep. 417: Robert Carver Interview with Michael Covel on Trend Following Radio

Robert Carver
Robert Carver

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My guest today is Robert Carver. He got his start in finance working at AHL. Robert started with AHL in 2001 during his final year of college. It was at this time that he was introduced to quantitative trading and began thinking of finance in a systematic way. He later went back to AHL, working there from 2006-2013. He is an independent systematic futures trader and investor, writer, and research consultant. He is currently a visiting lecturer at Queen Mary, University of London.

The topic is his book Systematic Trading: A unique new method for designing trading and investing systems.

In this episode of Trend Following Radio we discuss:

  • Unpredictable risk vs. Predictable risk
  • Systematic trading
  • High frequency trading vs. Trend following trading
  • Black swans
  • When to intervene with your system
  • 2008 crash

“People rarely evaluate themselves critically and properly work out how well they have done in their discretionary trading activity, and look at statistics properly to examine whether they are genuinely doing much better than a system. I think a lot of people out there are fooling themselves.” – Robert Carver

“The more complicated the notion of what your predicable risk is, the less and less you think about the un-predictable risk.” – Robert Carver

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